Site Updated: June 16, 2011
I am a registered
The Best way to contact me is by email: catcrazy414@aol.com
I am a member of the A.R.B.A, ADRC, LRCA and HLRSC
Rabbitry News
Corgi Puppies are here! Check out out website: www.KandKCorgis.yolasite.com
I am officially closing my barn to the public! I will no longer allow people or other rabbits in my barn. None of my bucks are available for stud services so please do not ask. I am sorry I have to do this but I am fed up with people not taking responsibility for their own rabbits.
I am a responsible breeder. I give my rabbits that best care possible and it is sad that others are not doing the same. You are responsible as a breeder to medicate your rabbits when sick and be sure that the rabbits you sale have a clean bill of health. If you let a friend use one of your bucks and it starts getting sick YOU are responsible to let the person know! A simple phone call or email will do. The breeders will be thankful not upset!
There is a huge case of vents disease going around! Please be careful who you buy from and whose bucks you use for breeding. The particular breeders are not treating their rabbits...letting others use their infected bucks...selling does that have signs of the disease...and taking advantage of young breeders and less experianced breeders. It is ABSOULTLY ridiculous that vents is going around! It is an easy and inexpensive thing to treat!
Please be responsible and treat your rabbits! Continuing the cycle of vents will catch up to you in the end. Don't be ashamed...tell the breeders and clients who might be infected!!!!!
If you would like more into on vents and the cure for it please contact me! I would be more than happy to help!
Shows Schedule 2009-2010
November: Convention Stockton on the 14th Lodi on the 28th December: Red Bluff on the 12th January: Santa Rosa on the 16th Chico on the 23rd Bakersfield on the 30th
| February: Stockton on the 6th Turlock on the 27-28th April: Monterey on the 24-25th May: Stockton on the 1st September: Stockton on the 18th |
None of the information on this website is to be used without permission.
Owned and Opperated by Kate's Rabbits